What is the Difference Between Desktop and Virtual Super Resolution?

4 min readMay 3, 2021


AMD Virtual Super Resolution has a variety of benefits. One benefit is that you will see a big difference in the quality of your gaming. With this feature, games will render at high resolutions (above the standard native resolution) and then scaled down to a lower resolution for the purposes of reducing image quality. When this feature is on, virtual resolutions beyond the normal native resolution of your display will appear in a wide range of programs and games, including the Windows operating system. This is very beneficial if you like to play games on Windows.

Another benefit of AMD virtual super-resolution is the ability to do more with your video card than your local computer is capable of doing. If you have an older computer with integrated cards but want to upgrade to an AMD device for reasons of greater performance or want the ability to do a better job of editing or rendering, the new VSR cards allow this. You can upscale graphics, render higher-quality graphics or apply various image enhancements to the game itself. In short, you get more from what you send your computer to do.

There are a few ways to take advantage of this functionality, and they all come in the form of utility tools that are installed by default with the graphics card. Open the Display Manager by clicking Start, typing “ds3d settings” into the field, and clicking OK. On the General tab of the Display Manager, click the option that says “virtual standard resolution”. Then click the button. You will then see two different panes on your screen, one for the normal desktop display and one for the virtual display option. The buttons will change to reflect what you want to be displayed in the two panes of your monitor.

There are a number of utilities that will allow you to alter certain aspects of your desktop using n Nvidia drivers. One of these is the Gaming tab, which allows you to turn off the window effects such as blur, shadowing, and some fancy 3D effects that many games use to draw the eye. By enabling these settings, you will actually be able to play the game in its true 3D form. If you need to turn these off, just go to the Performance tab and scroll down the list of options until you are able to disable them. The same holds true for the Quality tab, where you can select the type of AA settings you would like to use, as well as enabling the Virtual Super Resolution feature.

One option that many people don’t fully understand is the Use the Virtual Super Resolution setting, which is located in the graphic cards section of your Control Panel. It is often the last setting you will see before the actual supersampling image is displayed. By enabling this option, you will in effect be increasing the resolution in comparison to the desktop display. This will make the game appear as if it’s being shown on a higher quality TV than it is so that everyone out there playing doesn’t end up getting a bad view of it. While this isn’t something you are likely to want to do often, it is certainly nice when you have that feeling that your graphics cards are rendering better than your monitor is.

There are two other tweaks that you can make with the in-game options that will actually have a profound effect on your resolution: the Quality settings and the Contrast slider. The contrast slider will control the brightness of objects in the scene, which will make objects seem a lot more realistic and lifelike. As you increase the contrast, the entire screen will become much brighter, which helps make everything look clearer and far more life-like. To get the best results out of this feature, turn this slider to the right.

The final thing that you can do to enhance your experience playing your favorite games is to enable the virtual super resolution feature. Here, you are able to run all of your favorite games in full HD without having to compromise on the quality of your display. This feature allows you to be playing titles at their absolute best but is most importantly optimized for the best viewing experiences that you can possibly have. When this option is turned on, the game will switch to its native 1080p resolution instead of using the lower quality mode that was running previously. There is an argument to use the higher resolution and not having the option available at all, but by making use of it with the other features explained above, you will never regret having enabled it.

These are the primary differences between the regular and virtual resolutions for the various versions of Windows that are out there. This shows just how versatile the virtual super-resolution is, allowing you to get the most from your desktop even when you don’t have the resources to dedicate to running and maintaining a full desktop version of the program. Do not let the lower quality modes discourage you from getting the most out of your computer. As long as you remember to turn it off when you’re done playing, you will never regret having it! Read More




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